Never use your laptop on a bed or a cushion or the carpet or indeed your lap
(blocking ventilation grills underneath can damage your hard drive as heat has nowhere to go)
Never turn off your windows laptop or desktop using the physical power button
This can damage your hard drive and make matters worse
Never move your laptop whilst its plugged in or you can damage the charging port
Tension of the power jack, might break the socket inside ( and its not always fixable)
Never touch the inside of your Desktop PC , without a grounding band and anti static mat:
Your fingers can damage delicate computer parts
Desktop Computers should be protected with an anti-surge protection plug. ( around £15 from many shops)
This stops spike of electricity damaging components inside your machine
Always do regular back ups of your files to a memory stick or external hard drive or the cloud
Back up drives can fail, so always do a back up of a back up
Do you use a computer still running Windows 7 or Windows 8 ?
Microsoft stopped support for Windows 7 in January 2020 – Support for 8 stopped in Jan 2023 Speak to me about possible upgrade options
Keep your Windows and Anti Virus Software up to date
Otherwise you could get hacked and don’t rely on free ones to protect you